Saturday, September 17, 2005

I like the Alps

They are nice. That's all I can say, I'm at a loss for words. And, the internet being what it is, I have no recourse to the wild waving of hands and jumping up and down that might otherwise help.
Highlights that spring easily to mind, in no particular order:
tasty food, in France and in Italy
mountains (imagine that)

But Leonie flew back to old blighty yesterday, so I'm back on my lonesome, and still in town because yesterday evening was weird. On the bright side, I saw a wine glass player, which I'm taking as a sign that I should be an aquaphonist in the band when I get back to London (Holly, Helen, Robin, others, get yourselves ready!). I also saw the Trio di Torino please a home crowd with a programme of Chausson pieces, at the Teatro Reggio.

It's hot in Turin, too, but I like it less than Geneva, probably because my attempt at going dancing last night (a soul and funk night! right next to the Po river!) came to naught.