Still Searching
This is my thirtieth post. Imagine that. What? You're still here? And even after my longer silence?
I'm on my fourth sofa. Thanks to past hosts and those who've extended offers. They are so numerous I bet I could keep surfing into the new year without losing any friends.
But I don't want to do that, cause I want to unpack, get rid of lots of stuff, and get on with things. In aid of this objective I have leads on both jobs and flats, but aren't going to say anything about them here for fear of jinxing myself. Yes, superstition is strong.
Do check back in a couple more weeks; there'll be something, even if not much.
I'm on my fourth sofa. Thanks to past hosts and those who've extended offers. They are so numerous I bet I could keep surfing into the new year without losing any friends.
But I don't want to do that, cause I want to unpack, get rid of lots of stuff, and get on with things. In aid of this objective I have leads on both jobs and flats, but aren't going to say anything about them here for fear of jinxing myself. Yes, superstition is strong.
Do check back in a couple more weeks; there'll be something, even if not much.